Heroxhost The Ultimate Web Hosting
We Make Sure Your Website Is Running Fast And Smooth.

Indian By Heart
Global by Work.

Heroxhost was founded in 2020 with the aim to provide the best hosting and domain services all over globe. A perfect Web hosting platform Heroxhost provides quality web hosting services and helps people easily get their websites online under very affordable budget. Our Web hosting plans are reliable, scalable and affordable. We have a plan for every hosting need for blogs, e-commerce storefronts & custom websites. Our support is with you 24/7 always available.



We’re a trusted growth partner to thousands of everyday entrepreneurs.


Heroxhost web services was founded by Mr Sharma in 2020.


We power websites all over the world and support hundreds more every day.


Serving over 3,500+ customers over the world with the best support from us..


Committed to Best Web Hosting Solutions

We Keep Your Website Up and Running

Heroxhost offers the cheapest web hosting services with advance high-performance high-end servers including shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Unlimited Hosting, WordPress Hosting, VPS hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated hosting & Business Email Solutions. We love giving back to our community and supporting Small Businesses and those on a mission.

What We Do

We champion entrepreneurs by delivering the perfect help and tools for their journey.


Complete Web Solutions

Our best-in-class solutions are designed to meet the needs of a wide range of customers. All fully-managed, these solutions empower.


Extensive Tools

Integrated into every Heroxhost account, a suite of add-on products and resources enhance our customers' ability to build an online.


Expert Support

No one knows the web better. We understand not only how it works, but more importantly how it can be used as a tool to bring our customers.

Your privacy matters

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